Saturday, 24 November 2007

rock on, stella

current designer i am absolutely adoring: stella Mccartney (ok, not sure if this is spelt correctly).
anyhow, i am a fan of her's not because of her creativity, but because i read in 8 days yesterday that she designed a one-legged necklace for her spring '08 collection.
for those of you who don't have the free time that i do (don't worry, your exams will be over in NO time i assure you), this is the general idea behind what's gg on:
sir paul (of the beatles. i really shouldn't be needing to tell you this!) remarried heather mills after his wife passed away from cancer. there was rumour stella hated her stepmom. so now, as time has proven (haha. wonderful time. that sheds light on the true colours of ppl), sir paul and heather are embroiled in a bitter divorce. there was no prenup signed. and so.. she demands tons of money.. and plays out the role of victim to her best ability. she accused stella of having a part to play in the falling apart of the marriage, and in retaliation, stella designed the one-legged necklace.
question: WHY one-legged?
answer: as a result of some accident, heather had one leg amputated. she uses a prosthetic.

HAHAHA. stepmoms are evil. i always thot so. and in this case, ZERO pity for heather. i think stella won the battle between stepmom and stepchild. i like what she did. i hope the public LAPS up the necklace. hope it whips up a frenzy surpassing the lameass i-am-not-a-plastic-bag craze.

a stellar performance by stella. it rates ten out of ten on my scale.

friends, believe me. christmas is as much about sharing love with family and friends, as it is about deciding who to severe ties with. no one wants to go into a brand new year with all these negativity from the past attached. i never let myself be associated with people with bad reps for long. do that for yourself too. trust me, a few true and trusted friends are all you need to get by.