And I also want to take this opportunity to BOO tyra banks who just thinks she's an absolute goddess. It makes me want to puke when all the models on ANTM just scream hysterically/cry/(hello??)/reach out to touch her (yes, I'm thinking woman with the issue of blood in the Bible who HAD to touch Jesus' cloak to get healed; this one I can understand cos I would definitely have done the same). It's probably one of the criteria to getting on the show: MUST ADORE TYRA or otherwise convince viewers that you do.
Then there is the issue of her putting on weight and looking like a gargantuan WHALE and she was all like, here I am in my bra and I'm not going to change anything I love my body shit. Have you seen her recently? She lost a ton of weight. And of course, came up with some crappy excuse. I don't know why people will just not admit that there is pressure to succumb to skinny. If she was so lovin' the 'plus-sizedness' then it seems logical that she should have continued to balloon??? See. The size zero camp always wins. HA. I'm not going to watch anth that has to do with Tyra from now on cos she's a hypocrite. Make that hippocrite. HAHAAHAHA. And may Oprah, Ellen, Larry King, Jay Leno and all the other talkshow hosts continue to be in a league of their own in terms of ratings. BOOOO TYRA. you suck.
I'm so glad we made it to Thursday. Oh, as I'm typing this Friday. YAY!!!! not that the weekend is going to be relaxing since I have to rush my essay (on Robinson Crusoe, no less....ZzzZzzzzzzzZzzZ). But once I'm done, I'm OFF TO SYDNEY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gonna get a good prep pedi in a bright cheery hue tmr. When you're going to be in flip-flops, flowy dresses (with flowy tresses!) the whole time, nothing is more important. Happy long weekend everybody! You must/will be loving it!