Sunday, 19 April 2009

faux pas

Friday seems some time away. Cannot say that I spent the weekend very productively study-wise. Caught Revolutionary Road yesterday. Guess it'll resonate strongly in times like these. But i can identify more with Kate Winslet's character than Leo's. Although I prefer safe generally, like her, ultimately I still believe the only way is up, and that we should never settle. I don't like challenging myself but really, we never know our limits until tested. I am very irritated by my exams. oh, and I hate hate hate the new MCYS family funeral ad. have you caught it? NOT touching at all. so contrived, so damn lame. and really, i cannot fathom how our singles can pick up subtle messages to start actively looking for a partner. i was NOT AMUSED even watching it for the first time. just thought it was draggy and so cringe-worthy. hate that the widow tried to deliver an oh-so-fresh eulogy by getting everyone's attention with her: i'm-going-to-talk-about my-husband-in-bed bullshit. please. if i were single, i would think that such idiosyncrasies are not unique to a life partner. friends are good enough. or dogs. anyhow, i hope they stop screening it soon.