Enjoy some long-overdue CNY shots. my post is below the photos! :)

first of all, I made him pose for this. my boyfriend's not the showy type at all. I was inspired by his brit-india cny clothes and somehow the first thing that came to mind was George Orwell's Shooting an Elephant.

here's me and my mom-in-law-to-be at his grandma's place. love her!

that's us all celebrating my aunt's (pictured) birthday, that happened to fall on one of the days of new year. we feasted everyday! terence and siang (my cousin who resembles zac effron in every way, hahaha!) opted out of this shot. we're at sushi tei here.

my best friend and I. a couple who eats together stays together! take my word on this. the table is bare cos our food hadn't arrived. hahaha. in case you're wondering.

appreciating my first collections of a really GREAT harvest season. at that point of time (and even now), I was thinking: what recession? can't rmb the colour on my nails, but the ring is my cousin's; thot it was gorgeous but it's too big for my bones.
ok, back to the future.
i am so finally back. been locked out from my own blog for the longest time. problems with my password and the switch to a google acct and stuff like that. oh well.
i suggest all of you visit The Sartorialist's blog. it inspires me everyday!
on the fashion front, I am trying to experiment with different looks now. I know everyone's all abt the recession but hey, i always maintain that you're only young once. save the safe for later (i.e. in a few years time when my peers and I reach the big 3-0 ARGH!!!!). long dresses (not maxi, help-keep-singapore-clean-by-sweeping-the-floor-also types), tribal influences and the ever-essential rocker studs and zips, block colours, minimalism and the quintessential floral flocks that I try to de-feminize. there's nothing worse than being called 'sweet'.